
Welcome to our website!

Dai-Hara Kizendo is a Ki development program designed to help you reconnect with your vital energy, to learn how to relax, to meditate.

Our program uses a combination of meditation techniques and exercises to help you recenter yourself in your Hara and to increase your self confidence and resilience.

The origin of the studies on the vital energy, in the Eastern cultures, is directly connected to the root of the philosophy, and many sayings in China and Japan use the words qi (sometimes spelled ch’i or chi), in Chinese, or ki, in Japanese.

Our physical exercises are part of the Qi Gong studies, and the respiration takes from T’ai Chi Ch’uan and Ki Aikido.

Dai-Hara Kizendo provides an easy, practical, yet extremely effective way to relax, to overcome anxiety, stress, fear, psychosomatic illnesses.

It’s all about you

That’s right: it’s all about you.

Our mind and our body are a unique element, even if in Western culture we are often been taught that they are separate entities.

But that’s not accurate: mind and body may appear different if we consider them from a very superficial point of view. When we approach a deeper study, we learn how they are bound and how one can influence the other, both in a negative and (luckily) in a positive way.

When we are unbalanced, we cannot be relaxed, we are exposed to stress and anxiety, we are more prone to illness. This being unbalanced not only applies to our mental, emotional, sphere, but also to our physical one.
We are tense, contracted, our muscles are stiff and our stomach is often upset, bringing us to difficulties in digesting, in sleeping, in concentrating.

We don’t live anymore. We survive.

But we cannot ask our minds and bodies to manage stress and anxiety for a long time without paying a price, that can be hard, sometimes.

Kizendo is a natural way to address these problems and to help our body to heal itself from the side effects of stress and anxiety.

A few minutes of exercise every day can be an easy to develop habit that will have a deep, positive impact on us.


Help us help you

It’s as simple as that: Kizendo is a method that helps you improving the quality of your life.But, you need to commit to exercise, to meditate, to keep time for your practice and be consistent.

Book one of our seminars, live or on-line, and give the method a try.

Even a few minutes a day of commitment, preferably at the same time every day, will be enough to generate a positive effect on your body and your mind.

It takes as little as 21 days to create an habit, so it’s not that hard to take some time for your health, your wellness, your self-esteem.

We are based in Nürnberg, Bavaria, Deutschland, and our live seminars will start in September 2018. The online ones will begin in the same period.

Follow us here, or on Facebook.


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